The Weightless One by Anais Chartschenko Book Review
A novel written in verse, Anais Chartschenko’s The
Weightless One is an unconventional character portrait of a young woman who’s
been sectioned due to an eating disorder. Seemingly inadvertently – and with
consummate skill through the prism of convalescence and therapy – Chartschenko
slowly reveals a family background and the possible rationales for the
development of her heroine’s psychological issues in the series of poems.
We also get an insider’s view of a mental health facility. We
learn how patients shouldn’t compare care and diet plans with each other. We
discover a little about how detrimental the pursuit of modelling from an early
age can be on a psyche. That some airbrushed celebrities may not be the best
people to place on pedestals is also hinted at. Again, showing impressive
topicality, when it comes to the reasons for being placed in the care of the
mental health services, there are echoes of the misogyny prevalent in the high
school and college campus sexual assault cases in the US.
We could list many more such elements – we could list all
night, like the Titanic, because Chartschenko’s work is an iceberg, with a lot
going on beneath the surface.
Any one of her fellow patients, also suffering from eating
disorders, could have been the protagonist of this work, richly drawn as each
is. The old Tolstoy quote about how happy families are all alike but every
unhappy family is unhappy in its own way could apply to anorexics and bulimics.
Incidentally, family plays a prominent role in our protagonist’s life here too.
Dysfunction is apparent and, although conveyed with subtlety and nuance,
typical of what one might expect. What impresses is what we learn as the story continues,
and how Miranda’s family circumstances impacted on her emotional state.