T is for ThursThreads and FridayPhrases

Two writerly things that are a lot of fun. 

Thursday Threads runs under the Twitter hashtag #ThursThreads.

Every Thursday in or around the early afternoon according to our Greenwich clock, there is a Flash Fiction competition run by Siobhan Muir on her wunnerful site. A line is taken as a prompt from the previous week's winning story. Limits are a minimum 100 to a maximum of 250 words.

Another great writerly thing is the #FridayPhrases, #FP hashtag Friday Phrases tweet-sharing community.

Run under the @fridayphrases Twitter account mainly by Amy Good @amicgood and sometimes Willow Becker @willowbecker, you can tweet to the account and include the hashtag. If you're already known to the FP peeps, you can jettison the handle, and simply incorporate the #FP tag if your spacing is at a minimum. If the tweet gets overlooked by @FridayPhrases - which will favorite and retweet your tweets in general, you can tweet 'em to let 'em know. There is a theme every week.

(This has never happened to me. But the lovely organisers did tweet me at one point to ask if they had overlooked my tweets due to a rhyme-related misunderstanding.)

Flash fiction on a Thursday, and microfiction is the order of the day on Friday, in a bite-sized tweet.

Ehhh...character driven stuff. I am frequently amazed by how wonderful a poem can be formatted with carriage returns in a tweet, or how amazingly poignant or funny the tweets and stories can be.


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