Terrible Pub Jokes

One time I was in a pub that served pub food. After scanning the menu, I ordered a dish called Saucisse con Faglia. It sounded tasty. The waiter returned a few minutes later with a plate of three supermarket sausages and baked beans. I looked at the plate as it was placed before me.
"Is this some kind of a joke?" I asked him incredulously.
"No!" he replied.


Sister Agnes didn't know what to do when the convent closed down. She wandered into a pub where there was a Help Wanted sign. The manager gave her a job, and she soon learned that she had a natural talent for mixing drinks.

 Before long, she was winning cocktail-mixing contests, and she was the most popular employee in the pub, and - indeed - all of the other pubs, for miles around. In fact, she was the best bar nun.


A horse with a genetically modified brain and surgically altered vocal cords walks into a bar. The barman says: "Why the long face?"
The horse says: "I'm a horse!"
(See an extended remix of this joke here. REMIX MASHUP!)

I'm in that age category now where a lot of my friends and colleagues have found that they have alcohol problems. Where has the world gone wrong? Back in the 1980s, that was never the case.


"Waiter, waiter! There's a fly in my pina colada!"
"Sir! Please step away from the exhibit. This is a modern art museum!"


In unrelated news, a quantum physicist based at CERN's Large Hadron Collider facility has had his brain scrambled after his finger and thumb gave the "god particle" a good squeeze. His colleagues claimed that he has "entered into an alternate dementia." One of his colleagues told me all about it last night IN THE PUB!

Q. Did you hear about the barman who had a disastrous appendectomy in the middle of a joke?
A. She's just coming around now, I'll ask her about it and get back to you!


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