Formatting typos on this blog

Okay. I would like to put this on the record.
I did not put the bulleted point in that format. Okay?

It does look good though. I think I will leave it like that. It’s not that I am a big fan of bullets or want one for myself. It just looks good.
There’s a prominent Irish journalist whose interview I parodied a couple of years ago in this dump. He was discussing the adoption rights of same-sex couples at the time, expressing conservative views. 
For some reason unbeknownst to myself, the word “Yehkunchya” (again, parodying his own writing – a terrifically creative workaround to avoid scatology in mainstream media, and highlighted in the image) went into bold on my blog. I didn’t put it into bold.
I don’t know for how long it was in bold, and it may well have been more than a year, but the standalone word seemed far more severe in bold than it would have been if it was normal, like the surrounding text. I wouldn’t want this journalist to see that and think “In bold and everything. Harsh!”
Bad enough slightly misrepresenting his opinions through parody, I feel it also misrepresents my own opinion of the journalist if it's in bold.
I don’t know what to say beyond making these points. I don’t know if the blog is being hacked occasionally. 
Very odd that these very specific changes occur. And it only gets a few visits a day. If any other bloggers notice weird stuff with their blogs, maybe we can discuss it. I just don’t know.

I do know, however, that I have the sudden urge to become a carrot now more than anything in the whole wide world. I am fearful that this entire abandonment of binary options might further undermine my status as a top influenza virus. So it’s back to business as usual! My next blogpost might just have a picture of a poo.

I did not write that last paragraph. See? WTF, like. (Ah, no. I did.)


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