Listicle: Irish Labour Leaders that bear similarities to other TDs

Irish Politicians exposed in Hearing

On first hearing, former Labour Minister Pat Rabbitte sounds similar to Sinn Fein's Caoimhin O Caolain.
The soundalike revelations were exposed recently when they were both listened to by people who noticed the similarities in timbre and delivery. On second and third hearing, the similarities were confirmed.

Pat Rabbitte - former leader of the Labour Party - didn't comment on the soundalike allegations. Since the news broke, further questions have been raised about the similarities between Irish politicians.


For example, Sinn Fein's Caoimhin O Caolain - recently revealed as sounding like former Labour leader Pat Rabbitte - is also the spitting image of another former Labour Party leader, Ruairi Quinn.

Claims Caoimhin O Caolain could characteristically call Quinn a closely congruent counterpart is a consonant conclusion all the more apposite with an added assonance.

Ruairikins, as he's sometimes known, refused to answer to the allegations.

But a side-by-side comparison of the two politicians addressing the Dáil hints beyond all possibility that they could have been separated at birth - and a few years - by an over-eager parish priest following a crisis pregnancy, and a subsequent pregnancy due to the priest's licentiousness and taking advantage while giving his instruction to the very woman he had relieved of the first baby, the half-brothers being placed a few years apart in Catholic orphanages where they may have been frequently assaulted as infants before being adopted.


Meanwhile, the current Labour leader, On Tawnishta Miz John Bruton, has a similar sing-song sort of tone - in name if not in policy - to former FG combover advocate and royalist stalwart, Mr Joan Burton.


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