First Sunday Film Night in London...

At the William IV venue on Harrow Road, London, there are four movies showing on the first Sunday of June, and it looks like it will be an ongoing occurrence. Q&As will take place with a producer or director from the films.

Filmmaker Dziko Kazembe is one of the organisers. A talented writer-director in his own right, he regards it as a great networking opportunity for those in the business that is Show.

"It's all about filmmaking, it's all about the arts. It's all about supporting today, tomorrow's filmmakers and actors. So don't forget you saw them first at First Sunday Film and Networking Night."

Ticket sourcing for the 7th June event is encouraged from here as entry is a few bob more expensive at front-of-house on the night. Those looking for cast or crew who are about to begin production 9on a movie will be allowed to make appeals for anyone interested on the night; the same goes for anyone who has wrapped and is seeking post-production technical expertise.

The whole thing kicks off from 6.30 pm.

Check out details now.


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