New to me...

So I've seen people post articles to their newsfeed and write "With So-and-So", linking to a lookalike's profile. For instance, "Nurse who beat up old people flees court" - and the picture looks like someone you know, so you post the article with the pic of the mean, ugly nurse and it says "Nurse who beat up old people flees court" with Melissa Bloggs - and Melissa's profile is linked, and you can see the ugly nurse does look unflatteringly like Melissa.

When the newsfeed from a national newspaper gets in on the act, it's a concern. Sure enough, the two people linked to the article look a little bit and NOTHING like the two people in the photo respectively. But let's make this a meme. Let's encourage our media outlets to do this all the time, for every article that is posted. Some people might say it's mean - but the horse has clearly already bolted. It'd be mean not to!


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