Dear Facebook...

Dearest Facebook:

Contacts in my email account that is not connected with Facebook have now been added to my list of People You May Know.

Can you please explain to me how that happened? What third party app or site did I sign up to, so that this could actually take place? Now my whole system is messed up, Facebook. Those email accounts and everything associated with them were supposed to be separate.

If the hitman I hired to kill my wife finds out that I am having an affair with his son, he will probably kill me before he kills her. Facebook, I need that insurance money and I want to live an authentic life! Stop ruining it for people.

Your etc,

Mr. Et Cetera.


  1. You should have a separate email account for social media and/or game apps that need email logins. Live and learn. I have a personal email, one for social media/Words with Friends game app logins, and one for my book blogging mail; all separate.

    1. Thanks for the advice. But what if you're logged into one email account when you post a comment below a news article? You put your name in, and it assumes you want to be associated with that email address? What if you download an app onto your phone that prompts you for an email address, and the fine print tells you that it can access your Facebook details, and you're already logged into Facebook? They all have separate logins, but the browser may have stored all of the passwords already.

    2. Weird because I always get "switch to" prompts when I am commenting. However, if you don't "sign up with Facebook" for anything EVER and EVER -amen... your Facebook account will stay a separate entity. I think there is always a way to unlink FB logins, but I have no idea if that helps once a third party has your info. I unlinked my FB from Goodreads until I figured out I could set all the billions of update posts they auto-spammed my friends with to an "only me" privacy setting. GR is the only FB login I have.

    3. It's funny you should say that coz Goodreads prompted me to link via Facebook when I looked up Frozen off the back of your review. It's difficult to do all this stuff and maintain separate identities. The bells and whistles on the Smartphones are too shiny to avoid, so phone numbers and accounts are linked to everything else in ways we never wanted.


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