Chocolate manufacturer Kinder is delighted to make absolutely clear that not one of the children that appears on the packaging of its delicious product range is - in fact - missing.


This guy got two of his five a day scoffed on the way home, to save time and costly cooking overhead, and plenty of calcium in a two litre container of milk!

So what will you get - IN THE SHOPS? (This is a public service ad, for the shops.) What will YOU get?


George Michael has been branded a "driving death trap", a "fire hazard on wheels" and a "motorway pileup waiting to happen" by the British Department of Transport. However, because he wrote and recorded the acclaimed Listen Without Prejudice Vol I, he has been accorded more respect on British roads than either the rest of his opus or his skills behind the wheel should allow. If you see George Michael on the road - whether he is driving, being driven or in a pedestrianised street, simply walking - please, please, please don't expect somebody else to do it. Make sure that YOU warn the relevant local district council.

Courtesy of Special Collections, University of Houston Libraries


If you're a celebrity and you make an off-color racist, sexist or homophobic remark on American television - or even if it's been discovered that you have done so in a private capacity - then you may be called upon to make a Public Service Announcement denouncing your comments.

Never repeat those same comments on the Public Service Announcement. Go the opposite way.
Public Service Announcements: Go. Opposite. OPPOSITE!


Ronseal would like to warn the members of its customer base that if they use Ronseal for anything other than what it says it does on the tin, they may end up in hospital with a nasty dose of the "painter's colic".


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