Just a few points I made on social media about gun control I'd like to share. I will share more later. Many thanks to Maryland-based Frank Maguire, author of Lashback and various other publications, for inspiring the discussion, and to those who contributed. Continued from here . Argument for a ban on guns After the gun controls come in, if the National Guard or the police call to your house, give them your frickin guns. Who's left? The people who insist on keeping guns in their sock drawer and stay quiet about it and aren't registered gun owners, or are registered and have slipped through the net. They run the risk of prosecution, but hopefully we won't hear from them again, save for the odd killing spree by some mess of a guy, or a domestic situation. But there'll be FEWER of them. Other people left with the guns are the gang members, and the smugglers, and the militias, and the Sopranos, and the punks. The point is guns = criminals. And if you meet Tony Sopr...