Dublin Zookeepers welcome a new arrival

Dublin Zoo welcomed a new arrival last weekend Where are them Syrians? Hassan Aboud - himself a zookeeper at Syria's Aleppo Zoo until 2011 - started at the zoo while awaiting the decision from the Department of Justice over his asylum application. Hassan and his family hold the world record for the longest period at sea in a rubber dinghy for a full biological family. The two adults and three children also hold the same record for a family of five accompanied by a third generation. Hassan's dehydrated father-in-law was forced to drop out of the dinghy halfway through the voyage, due to exhaustion and death at the age of 73. He is survived by his daughter Faiza, her husband Hassan, and three grandchildren. The family will be on display all day every day between the Chimpanzee enclosure and the Rang'Utan* exhibit, where you can see a profound sadness, and a deep intelligence, in their eyes. The popular meerkats, located some distance from the Syrians' enclosure, have no i...