Author Interview on Mary Woldering's blog
An interview I did for Mary Woldering's blog . What made you want to be a writer? As a child of maybe 6, I drew comic strips til I realised that my art wasn't up to scratch. I have been writing since then. I wrote what would be today deemed fan fiction of tv programs, but back then I didn't have a name for it. I started writing my own stuff a few years later. When is the release of your next novel? Name genre or if it’s part of a series. If your book is part of a series tell the readers about the others that are out for sale. How did you come up with the idea for the book or series, especially the title? The Quantum Eavesdropper Vol. 1. It’s science fiction and it and volume 2 are 180,000 words long. It should be released Summer 2019. A year after losing his wife, a man gets trapped on the lip of a black hole. It’s 2095, but he finds that he can communicate at this point in time with individuals back on Earth at any point in the past from the birth of telecommun...