The Unforgiven Anthology
The Unforgiven Anthology Enter the twisted, talented minds of J.L. Clayton R.L. Weeks K.L. Humphreys Aaron L Speer Becca Moree Valerie Roeseler as they bring you six horrifying tales of woe and malice packed with monsters seeking revenge. These original short stories will have you looking over your shoulders and cowering under your covers in fear of what lurks in the dark. #Unforgiven Like The Unforgiven Facebook Page: Seeing Red By J.L. Clayton All her life, Challis has been bullied by the people around her, and now the thin string holding her sanity intact has snapped...The only thing she sees is crimson. They say revenge is best served cold, but Challis will take hers: hot, sticky and red! Come along for one horrific ride as author J.L.Clayton takes a forsaken girl and turns her into a heartless killer. Seeing Red has never looked so frightening. Twisted Insanity By R.L. Weeks Author R. L. Weeks brin...