Star Trek is mainly space junk: FACT
Some of the random arguments for Trek being a God-Awful franchise that we ought to best forget: (This is based on a question put to me in Lynn Lamb 's wonderful interview here .) People are revisiting Star Trek on Netflix lately , or geeking up for the first time. I am recommending that you don't s quander your lives. I am a Trekkie . But I won't defend the fau lts t hat gi ve me a dose of the rageface, unlike th is pair of happy Caro ls . I argue here mainly about the incarnations of Trek that come aft er The Original Series, and all views are free to be challenged. I do recomme nd The O riginal Series as a cultural cornerstone. But TNG coasted along for three execrable seasons under the Trek name before improving slightly for its latter four. It really mil ked the cistern. S ystem ? As a n ew show, it would never have made it out of the gate without the Star Trek banner. DS9's final season - which thrill ed fans at the time - act ually de...