The Cunning Man by John Yeoman: Book Review
So Dr. John Yeoman offers some wonderful creative writing tips, courses, classes and bukes via his web presence at the Writers' Village . He allayed my insecurities over a certain story a few years back, and did a pretty powerful edit on it to boot. He's written a collection featuring the hero of his novel, Hippocrates Yeoman. The character is a witty Elizabethan apothecary, something of a Colombo / Holmes mystery-solving type. The collection is called The Cunning Man . A nice size for a collection, at about ninety pages. Alongside the text is commentary from the author, where he shows the reader how he writes. He indicates where he has used the "rule of three", for example, or where he echoes a previous piece of text to bring home a point or to mine for humour. The protagonist-narrator is a funny guy, and there are more than a couple of chuckles. One big criticism is that I wouldn't have opened with the first story, a tale about the theft of a goblet. The second ...