An Early Childhood Chapter 21 Part 2
CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE: A TEMPORARY CHANGE IN CIRCUMSTANCE AND A SHIFT IN POWER (PART 2 ) Continued from the pr olog ue of Chapter 2 1 . An Early Childhood by Paddy Flanagan is a mock surreal autobiography. Its first chapter is here . I t parodies misery memoirs (such as Angela’s Ashes by the late great Frank McCourt), as well as ti me travel and science fiction ele ments and other literature of v arious kinds - mainly Iri sh, b ut very often not . Very often. Well, having fully digested the trout of fierce intelligence , replete as it was in amazing fish oils, my smarts faded after my next passing and I was reduced once more to an incredibly talented yet not abnormally intelligent young revolutionary. Tancred, Sean, Fletch, John and myself began the process of establishing a new local government within my hometown, with me as the provisional mayor, f...